By Kelly Holder, PhD
Chief Wellness Officer
“When I hear somebody sigh, 'Life is hard,' I am always tempted to ask, 'Compared to what?'" - Sydney Harris
This funny quote reminds us that stress is ever-present in our lives. We tackle challenging tasks every day, and the stress can often accumulate, becoming overwhelming. However, it doesn't have to be that way. April is National Stress Awareness Month, a time to shed light on the negative impact of stress while reminding us of the resources and tools available to better manage difficult situations.
One of the most valuable life skills is learning how to cope with stress healthily. I'm sure you have a few tools that you use with regularity. Whether it's taking care of your body, taking breaks, or connecting with others, it's crucial to engage in these activities routinely.
Joy, humor, and laughter are a few of my favorite ways to combat stress. These tools aren't discussed often enough. It may seem that having feelings of pleasure or happiness are incompatible with stress, but this is untrue. Laughter creates physiological changes in your body. Laughter enhances your intake of oxygen-rich air, stimulates your heart, lungs, and muscles, and increases the endorphins released by your brain. The long-term effects of laughter include improving your immune system, relieving pain, increasing personal satisfaction, improving your mood, and enhancing your relationships.
I've begun to offer myself the gift of laughter as often as possible. Things that work for me are sharing something funny from my day with friends or co-workers, looking at personal pictures from humorous moments, and listening to or watching my favorite comedians.
This National Stress Awareness Month, consider using laughter as a tool to keep going as we face the challenges and stress all around us. As you know, humor isn’t always the answer. Please use the BioMed Wellness Website to find resources available in our community to aid with effectively coping with stress. Additional resources are listed below.
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